Speeches, crowd of 10,000 at Times Square rally to Stop Iran Nuclear Deal call Democrat congressmen, Senators to accountability
Over 10,000 marched on Times Square in opposition to Obama's Iran sanctions / nuclear deal. Experts and luminaries delivered impassioned remarks.
Watch addresses by Col. Allen West, Alan Dershowitz, Caroline Glick, Monica Crowley, Mort Zuckerman, Steve Emerson, NY Gov. George Pataki, British Col. Richard Kemp, Wiesenthal's Rabbi Abe Cooper, Helen Freedman, and former Manhattan district attorney Robert Morganthau, among others.
Original video by Democracy Broadcasting News.
Watch addresses by Col. Allen West, Alan Dershowitz, Caroline Glick, Monica Crowley, Mort Zuckerman, Steve Emerson, NY Gov. George Pataki, British Col. Richard Kemp, Wiesenthal's Rabbi Abe Cooper, Helen Freedman, and former Manhattan district attorney Robert Morganthau, among others.
Original video by Democracy Broadcasting News.
Blacks & Hispanics discuss "Freedom and Race" led by Rep. Allen West with Sonnie Johnson at FreedomFest
by Scott Jenkins, Senior Editor.
Conservative minority leaders addressed the evolving role and manipulation of race in society and politics. The panelists at FreedomFest's Freedom and Race Panel are Rep. Allen West, Derrick Wilburn, Sonnie Johnson, and Rachel Campos- Duffy.Bio's: Rep. Allen West, President and CEO, National Center for Policy Analysis; Derrick Wilburn, Founder, President, Chairman, American Conservatives of Color; Sonnie Johnson, Correspondent, Fox News; Rachel Campos Duffy, National Spokesperson, The LIBRE Initiative (a non-profit that educates and advocates for the economic empowerment of Hispanics through limited government, entrepreneurship and self-reliance).
The panel answers audience-members questions about freedom and race.
Lt. General Allen West: Donald Trump is not a racist. Here is why the mainstream media continuously attempts to portray him as such. 
Sonnie Johnson, Breitbart contributor and Freedom and Race panelist explains the disconnect and bridging that would be needed for conservative messages to receive greater reception among varying segments of the African-American community in the United States.
Donald Trump, Steve Forbes address libertarian economic policies at FreedomFest Convention
Steve Forbes addresses FreedomFest dinner in Las Vegas
(Photo: Scott Jenkins)
Mr. Forbes is the editor-in-chief of Forbes Magazine and a co-ambassador of the FreedomFest Convention in Las Vegas. In both 1996 and 2000, Steve campaigned vigorously for the Republican nomination for the Presidency. Key to his platform were a flat tax, medical savings accounts, a new Social Security system for working Americans, parental choice of schools for their children, term limits and a strong national defense.
Presidential candidate, Donald Trump delivered a well-received address to a packed-house at the FreedomFest convention in Las Vegas on July 11, 2015.
In this press conference which followed his speech, Donald Trump addresses the need for America to negotiate better trade agreements with China than President Obama has.
Donald Trump fields questions from the packed audience including issues of illegal immigration and US Syria policy.
(All video is DemoCast.TV original, filmed by Scott Jenkins).
Opponents rally to stop Obama's "Worse than Munich" Islamist Iran appeasement
Second Take on Iran by AIPAC: Congress Must Stop this Bad Deal
A second statement by AIPAC following review of the Iran agreement brings a strong thumbs down on the deal. 'A new, better deal is needed'
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee says in a statement that Obama's Iran nuclear deal falls short on all five areas it had concluded were critical: inspections, possible military dimensions, sanctions, duration and dismantlement.
The deal, AIPAC told its membership, “would facilitate rather than prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and would further entrench and empower the leading state sponsor of terror.”
AIPAC concluded that the deal would further destabilize the Middle East, including encouraging an arms race in the region.
In contradiction to what the negotiators and President Obama told the nation, AIPAC insisted that the alternative to the proposed deal is not war.
Calling on its members to inform their legislative representatives, AIPAC said the agreement must be rejected and sanctions on Iran must be maintained while efforts are made to negotiate “a better deal that will truly close off all Iranian paths to a nuclear weapon.” (Lori Lowenthal Marcus in the Jewish Press).
Co-sponsor of Iran sanctions legislation, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) explains Iran is following the North Korea playbook and that sanctions must be used to bring Iran's regime to its knees.
Rep. Royce discusses Senate Democrats carrying water for Pres. Obama's stalling for duplicitous Iran at the 30 Years After Civic Conference in Beverly Hills.
Vice President Joe Biden will head back to Capitol Hill on Thursday to urge Senate Democrats to support the nuclear deal with Iran. (AP)
The White House says Biden will discuss the deal with the Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the committee, invited Biden to brief his party's senators.
The meeting will come a day after Biden made a similar pitch during a meeting with House Democrats. Biden has also been calling lawmakers, including Senate leaders, to discuss the deal.
Congress will have a 60-day window to review the deal and could pass legislation stopping Obama from lifting sanctions on Iran. The White House is focusing its outreach on Democrats in hopes they'll provide enough votes to stop Republicans from overriding Obama's likely veto.
A second statement by AIPAC following review of the Iran agreement brings a strong thumbs down on the deal. 'A new, better deal is needed'

The deal, AIPAC told its membership, “would facilitate rather than prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and would further entrench and empower the leading state sponsor of terror.”
AIPAC concluded that the deal would further destabilize the Middle East, including encouraging an arms race in the region.
In contradiction to what the negotiators and President Obama told the nation, AIPAC insisted that the alternative to the proposed deal is not war.
Calling on its members to inform their legislative representatives, AIPAC said the agreement must be rejected and sanctions on Iran must be maintained while efforts are made to negotiate “a better deal that will truly close off all Iranian paths to a nuclear weapon.” (Lori Lowenthal Marcus in the Jewish Press).
Co-sponsor of Iran sanctions legislation, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) explains Iran is following the North Korea playbook and that sanctions must be used to bring Iran's regime to its knees.
Rep. Royce discusses Senate Democrats carrying water for Pres. Obama's stalling for duplicitous Iran at the 30 Years After Civic Conference in Beverly Hills.
Vice President Joe Biden will head back to Capitol Hill on Thursday to urge Senate Democrats to support the nuclear deal with Iran. (AP)

The White House says Biden will discuss the deal with the Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the committee, invited Biden to brief his party's senators.
The meeting will come a day after Biden made a similar pitch during a meeting with House Democrats. Biden has also been calling lawmakers, including Senate leaders, to discuss the deal.
Congress will have a 60-day window to review the deal and could pass legislation stopping Obama from lifting sanctions on Iran. The White House is focusing its outreach on Democrats in hopes they'll provide enough votes to stop Republicans from overriding Obama's likely veto.
Israeli Amb. Michael Oren "Ally" book tour video - revealing the secrets behind the spin
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Former Israeli Amb. to US Michael Oren at Nixon Library July 2, '15 |
Recorded before an audience at L.A.'s Museum of Tolerance, in a speech and conversation with David Suissa of the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles. July 1, 2015.
Above, Amb. Oren fields a broad range of questions from the audience (in two segments).
David Bernstein in the Washington Post refers to "How Israel Got Taken" a review of the book by Michael Doran in Mosaic Magazine. Doran claims that "Netanyahu undertook, at American insistence, an unprecedented settlement freeze, became the first Likud prime minister to endorse the establishment of a Palestinian state, and refrained from engaging in military action against Iran. He might have added that Netanyahu released hundreds of terrorist murderers to further John Kerry’s misbegotten “peace process.” While Netanyahu hasn’t always behaved well, even when he did the White House’s bidding he was met solely with contempt, more contempt than the Obama Administration has shown for any other foreign leader. That would be okay, if one really trusted Obama on the one issue key to Israeli security (and, in my opinion, key to the security of the entire Middle East and therefore to American security), preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons."
United Against Nuclear Iran group has published this public service political advertisement:
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